Wednesday, July 26, 2017


So today I was walking home from my meeting, and I spotted Fuzzy Elle into mischief.  She was playing the games at the casino!  First, she was playing the slot machine.

Later, I found her playing a different game.  By the way, do you like her outfit?  She decided to not wear the hat today because she would stay inside.

Monday, July 24, 2017

Fuzzy Elle's trip to Reno

So Fuzzy Elle had a long trip out to Reno, Nevada.  First, she was dropped of by Mommy, Katie and Levi at the airport in Norfolk.  After going through security and waiting for about an hour, she found out the her flight was delayed to New York, so she and Daddy got onto a different flight to Dallas.  Once in Dallas, Fuzzy Elle and Daddy had some dinner and waited for the next flight to Reno.  That flight ended up being delayed for about 3 hours because of a few maintenance problems.  During that time, Fuzzy Elle had fun playing on Daddy's computer in the terminal.

Eventually, Fuzzy Elle and Daddy got into Reno and the hotel at about 1 in the morning.  They thought they would be ready to sleep from all the flying, but had trouble falling asleep!  They ended up watching Game of Thrones together, then falling asleep.  The next morning, Daddy had to go to work, so Fuzzy Elle got some time to herself to take in the sights.  She saw snow in the mountains!  In July!  She was so excited to see snow.  Tomorrow she plans to go to the casino.