Friday, February 27, 2015

Thailand and the Philippines

Fuzzy Elle had so much fun the last couple days in Thailand and the Philippines.  She started the day with a trip to the Elephant Park.  They had a cute little elephant that was super friendly and knew how to do tricks.  She would lift her trunk and cross her legs on command.  Really cool!

Next, we went over to the Exotic Animal Center.  This place was awesome.  They had Tigers, Monkeys and Snakes.  We started out by petting a Tiger!

Then we saw that Monkeys were available to hold.  Most people were holding the monkey like a baby, but Fuzzy Elle thought it would be cooler for the monkey to be on my shoulders.  I agreed.  The monkey was very interested in Fuzzy Elle.  I had to make sure he didn't steal her.

Next, we went to see snakes.  They had a show and snakes in cages.  We started with snakes in cages.  This little guy is a tree snake.  Notice how he's so green?  He would be very hard to see in a tree.

Then we went to see the cobras.  They are big snakes that puff out their bodies when they are ready to strike.  Very poisonous and dangerous.

I guess there are enough of them around that they have babies.  These eggs were just outside of the cages.  Fuzzy Elle and I were hoping that they didn't hatch while we were standing there.

Next, we went to the snake show.  The guys brought the snakes out in a box and started tossing them out onto the stage!

Then, he sat on the ground with them and made them mad so they tried to bite him!  He was super fast though, and they never got him.

Then they held the snakes for people to get a closer look.  Fuzzy Elle wanted to kiss the snake, but the snake charmer thought that was a bad idea and pulled the snake away.

The snake charmer wanted to show us that the snake was real and still had fangs, so he had the snake shoot some venom into a glass and showed us.  Then he showed us the fangs.

The next day, we were on a plane to the Philippines, then back to Japan.  Fuzzy Elle enjoyed the flight.  It was a little crowded, but we were with friends.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Cherry Blossoms

Fuzzy Elle went to explore the hotel today.  She loved it!  We found light-up cherry blossoms outside by where I eat dinner every night.  Fuzzy Elle decided to climb up into the tree.

Can you believe we found Sakura in Thailand?  So cool.  I told Fuzzy Elle that Katie would love this place.  She agreed.  Fuzzy Elle loved the flowers even more because they were pink.  She thought that we should try to find trees like this to put up in our yard for Christmas.  What do you think?

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Airplane Ride!

Fuzzy Elle and I went on an airplane ride last night.  Our job was to bring 2 helicopters from Japan to Thailand.  We started by loading them into a really big airplane.  Fuzzy Elle got to sit on the wheel well while we loaded.

We were pretty proud when we got 2 helicopters loaded onto an airplane.  We decided to take a few pictures of our work.

Fuzzy Elle wanted to sit on the nose of a Huey.

Then she got to sit on the Cobra gun.  Awesome!

We were really tired after all that loading, so when the plane took off, we went to sleep.  I brought my special sleeping bag that Katie had used in Okinawa, so I was nice and warm and comfy.  They even turned off all but green lights for us to sleep well.

Once we got to Thailand, it was time to unload our airplane.  We went the opposite of how we loaded it, with the Huey out first, then the Cobra.  It was a really long day, but it was fun.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Cherry Blossoms!

Fuzzy Elle and I went for a run today all around base.  We found out that they have Sakura here.  They are almost in full bloom.  Very pretty.  Fuzzy Elle decided that she wanted to climb a couple to get closer.  She also gave them some sniffs.  We love Sakura!