Sunday, February 8, 2015

Airplane Ride!

Fuzzy Elle and I went on an airplane ride last night.  Our job was to bring 2 helicopters from Japan to Thailand.  We started by loading them into a really big airplane.  Fuzzy Elle got to sit on the wheel well while we loaded.

We were pretty proud when we got 2 helicopters loaded onto an airplane.  We decided to take a few pictures of our work.

Fuzzy Elle wanted to sit on the nose of a Huey.

Then she got to sit on the Cobra gun.  Awesome!

We were really tired after all that loading, so when the plane took off, we went to sleep.  I brought my special sleeping bag that Katie had used in Okinawa, so I was nice and warm and comfy.  They even turned off all but green lights for us to sleep well.

Once we got to Thailand, it was time to unload our airplane.  We went the opposite of how we loaded it, with the Huey out first, then the Cobra.  It was a really long day, but it was fun.