Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Road Trip!

Fuzzy Elle had a big adventure this weekend with her best friend - and brother- Elmer!  She decided on Thursday that she wanted to go to Grandpa and Grandma's house in Texas to help decorate for Christmas.  After Daddy went to school on Friday, he ended up getting off early.  That gave them plenty of time to drive to Texas in one day.

Fuzzy Elle, Elmer, and Daddy drove straight through 4 states with only one stop for gas to get to Texas.  It was really late when they got there and they were all very happy to have a nice warm bed to sleep in.  The next day was Christmas decorating day!  Aunt Ami, Uncle Paul, and Aunt Kimberly all came over to help.  Fuzzy Elle liked putting up the tree the best, while Elmer liked putting up lights outside.  After a long day hanging out with family, the Elles were exhausted and ready for bed.

The next morning, Fuzzy Elle and Elmer decided that it would be a good idea to leave Texas early so that they could get back to Florida before bedtime.  They said goodbye to Grandpa and Grandma and were on the road.  They hoped to drive fast.  The first state they drove through was, of course, Texas.  It had rolling hills and some trees.  The Elles liked the view.

After a couple hours, they got to the border of Louisiana.

There was a pretty sign letting them know that they had entered a new state.  They knew they liked Louisiana from their trip out to Texas.  The people were really nice at the gas station.  After a few more hours, they came to the next state line - Mississippi!

The border between Louisiana and Mississippi is the Mississippi  River.  It was a big, pretty river with a cool looking bridge.  In fact, the Mississippi is the largest river in America.  It was huge down in Louisiana and Mississippi.

After a long drive through Mississippi, the Elles were glad to get to Alabama.  They had already been driving for about 8 hours and needed to use the potty!

It was dark by the time they got back to Florida.  They were very tired from a long drive through the day and ready to lay around and call Katie and Levi.

Fuzzy Elle and Elmer can't wait for their next adventure - a flight back to California!


  1. Glad the Elles got to go on another adventure

  2. Sleepy Elle cant wait to see her brother and sister again. love, KT
