Monday, December 15, 2014

Helpful Elle

Some days Fuzzy Elle can be very mischievous.  Other days she is daring.  Some days she is really helpful.  Today was a helpful day. We decided that we should do a little deep cleaning in preparation for your visit.  Our floor was getting a little dirty and the dishes needed to be washed.  Fuzzy Elle helped me to dry the dishes after they were washed.  After we wiped down all the counters, we swept the floor and scrubbed it to get off the grime.

We scrubbed so hard it made our arms tired!  Fuzzy Elle hopes that you notice how clean the floors are when we see you in a couple days.  She worked very hard on them.

We can't wait to see you on Wednesday!

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Zip Lining

So I went zip lining today in the jungle.  It was awesome.  We got to fly out over the tops of the trees and climb all over the place.  When I got home, Fuzzy Elle wanted to zip line too.

She was awesome.  So brave when she was sliding down.  It was so much fun that we are going to set up the zip line again tomorrow.  I love my Fuzzy Elle.

Friday, December 12, 2014

New Bed

Fuzzy Elle and I are excited today.  We've been looking all over for a place for Levi to sleep for the last couple weeks.  We've left messages to a bunch of people to try to buy him a bed.  We even went to the thrift store (although we did get a Christmas Tree).  Finally, we responded like an hour after somebody posted a picture of their pack n play.  We told her that we were ready to pick it up immediately.  For $20 it was worth it.

Fuzzy Elle loves it and insisted on taking a nap in it today.  I told her that it was ok to take a nap there, but she had to cuddle with me at night.  I would get so lonely without her!

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Sleepy Fuzzy Elle

So I was talking with Fuzzy Elle yesterday about her family coming to visit.  She asked where the family was going to sleep.  I thought about it for a minute and told her.  Mommy and Daddy will sleep in the bed.  Levi will sleep in a pack n play that we will pick up tomorrow.  Katie and Sleepy Elle will sleep in a Marine sleeping bag.  Fuzzy Elle was very interested in this "Marine sleeping bag."  She said that she wanted to try it out. 

I think it looks very Marine-ish.  Camouflage is a cool design.  I had to ask Fuzzy Elle if it was as comfy as I remembered it.  I asked her a couple times, but she didn't answer.  Then I realized that she had fallen asleep!  I guess I got my answer.  Katie's Marine sleeping bag is very comfy.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014


Fuzzy Elle came with me to work today.  We started the day by talking with the Marines about what needed to be accomplished.  We listened to everything the night crew guys had accomplished last night.  Next, we checked our email for any messages.  There were a lot!

After we checked email, we had to write a report on how an explosion happened.  Pretty fun.  Later, we went to lunch and talked with Mommy on Facetime.  After talking with Mommy and eating, we went back to work and made some phone calls, planning for our trip to Thailand. 

Fuzzy Elle was very helpful today.  I'm hoping that next week she will be able to help me work on some guns.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014


So I got home today and noticed that Fuzzy Elle has been getting into mischief again while I'm out.  I caught her trying to climb the Christmas Tree!  I told her that climbing the Christmas tree was NOT ALLOWED!  It could knock the tree over and hurt her when she falls.  Later, we went to bed and cuddled all night.

Monday, December 8, 2014

How many teeth does Elle have?

Did I ever mention how well you raised Elle?  She is such a good elephant!  Very helpful, takes care of herself every day.  I'm so proud of you for teaching her. 

Today I came home and she was brushing her teeth.  I didn't tell her that she needed to, but she wanted to make sure they were nice and clean. 
Are you and Levi still brushing your teeth every night?  Fuzzy Elle hopes so.  She's trying to be just like her mommy.

Sunday, December 7, 2014


Fuzzy Elle and I had kind of a lazy day.  We've been so busy lately that we decided to sleep in a little this morning.  After talking with Mommy, Katie and Levi, we went to the grocery store to buy stuff for the week.  It was crowded!  I guess everybody decided that Sunday was a good day to shop.  After we got back from the store, we hung out around the house.  Fuzzy Elle read a book about running.  She said that she is learning how to run fast and far.  She's going to be a really good runner as she grows up.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Fuzzy Elle is sleepy

I came home from work and found Fuzzy Elle taking a nap today.  I guess she's just tired after all the playing she's been doing lately.  I gave her a kiss on the forehead and told her to sleep well. 

Friday, December 5, 2014

Silly Elle

So Fuzzy Elle loves to climb all over my room.  There are some really good places to climb, like on the shelf in my bathroom and on the counter tops in my kitchen.  Today she climbed up where an elephant shouldn't be - On top of the fridge and all the way up on the paper towels. 

Once she got on top of the fridge, she decided that she should climb a little higher so that she could dance.  She didn't realize that the paper towels have holes in the middle.  She ended up getting her foot stuck and the paper towel roll fell over.  Poor Elle. 

I ended up getting her foot free and she is happily snuggling in my bed now.  We can't wait to see you in a couple weeks!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Swinging Elephant

So I got home from work today and Elle was into some mischief.  She thought it would be a good idea to take my glow belt, put it up in the doorway, and swing around!  She said it was "exercise" because she was doing it with a PT belt.  What do you think?  Mischief or PT?

Monday, December 1, 2014

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree!

Fuzzy Elle and I went to the thrift store and got a tree today.  They had some silly, big green trees that were just too plain for our taste.  Then they had a box sitting next to the other trees.  It looked like it might be just the right size.  We looked inside the box and found a small BLUE Christmas Tree!  We had never seen a blue Christmas Tree, but we had to have it.  We asked the lady at the thrift store how much she was selling it for and she told us $2.  Sold!  After work, we brought the tree home and set it up.  Fuzzy Elle helped.

Once we got it on the stand, it was time to fluff the branches.  Don't you think Fuzzy Elle is doing a good job?

We got the tree up and we think it looks beautiful on the desk.  We can even put presents underneath ;)