Friday, December 12, 2014

New Bed

Fuzzy Elle and I are excited today.  We've been looking all over for a place for Levi to sleep for the last couple weeks.  We've left messages to a bunch of people to try to buy him a bed.  We even went to the thrift store (although we did get a Christmas Tree).  Finally, we responded like an hour after somebody posted a picture of their pack n play.  We told her that we were ready to pick it up immediately.  For $20 it was worth it.

Fuzzy Elle loves it and insisted on taking a nap in it today.  I told her that it was ok to take a nap there, but she had to cuddle with me at night.  I would get so lonely without her!


  1. Can fuzzy elle cuddle with katie too?

  2. I'm going to have a hard time giving up my stuffed animal, I guess she can cuddle with her Mommy though.
