Thursday, November 27, 2014


Fuzzy Elle was a lot of help preparing for Thanksgiving.  We started the morning by walking over to one of my friend's rooms to get the turkey.  After removing the neck, gizzards and liver from inside, we rubbed the whole thing with adobo sauce - so yummy. 

The turkey took about 4 hours in the oven.  We didn't have a thermometer, so we had to estimate when it would be done.  I'm really not used to doing that.  Luckily the turkey ended up done and tasty.  We also made scalloped corn and prune stuffing. 

My Marines ended up eating everything!  I had them save the bones so that Fuzzy Elle and I could make some soup for tomorrow. 

We collected all the bones and covered them with water in the crock pot.  We'll let them simmer all night in the crock pot.  In the morning, Fuzzy Elle and I will go to the commissary to get some carrots, onions, celery, potatoes and noodles to add to the mix.  Should be tasty!

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