Saturday, November 29, 2014


Today Fuzzy Elle and I took a long drive up to visit some waterfalls.  We had read about them online and it sounded like a lot of fun.  Fuzzy Elle heard that we might get to swim in them, so she decided to try on her goggles.

We called all of our friends to invite them.  We ended up with about 15 people in 3 cars!  It was a lot bigger group than we expected.  I guess they really wanted to get out.  After getting gas and some money, we were on our way.  It was a pretty long drive, so we stopped after about an hour to get some food.  We had beef with onions on top of rice.  We got back on the road for about another hour and a lot more curvy roads through the mountains.  The drive was well worth the wait.  We hiked down a hill to a beautiful pool with a waterfall and a rope swing.

Some of the Marines hopped in the water immediately to check the depth.  Nobody was able to touch the bottom so each of us got to swing on the rope a bunch of times.  It was hard just to hold on!  Eventually we swam to the other side of the pool, where there was a rock to jump off of.  That was a lot of fun too - really deep.  Later, we hiked through the river above the waterfall to explore.  Just more river, but it was fun and we even saw a salamander with a orange belly.

Eventually we got dried off, changed over and drove back home.  We got some ramen on the way, which everybody loved.  Fuzzy Elle and I can't wait to show you this fun place!